My Fellow Blogger/Readers,I know that it's been a while but sometimes some of my best posts are those where I've been away for awhile and had some experiences to write on.So recently, well a month a go, I had an epiphany about my life. Yes, a great manifestation not just about my life but the life of all mankind. I realized that going through a rough time in life didn't have to be as rough as I had allowed it to be. I began to think of people who take their entire lives and prepare for major storms that they know may possibly come their way. They build storm shelters that can turn into a living quarter for a temporary amount of time. They buy first aid kits and storm radios and enough food and water to feed the multitude. Others may think that these people go beyond the call of duty for being prepared and are crazy for getting all of these things in order for a major disaster and they think things won't ever get too bad for someone to create an entire house underground for them to live in if something happens. They prepare and they are ready. . . well about as ready as they can be.
Then you have those who will have a pantry full of food, water, a storm radio and will have and do just enough to get by if something does happen.Then you have those who really don't believe that anything is going to happen to them and they are in no way, form or fashion prepared for the disaster that is about to take place in their lives.
Well guess what, for the past year of my life, I have been that person that believes nothing was going to happen to them and I was never prepared for what was about to come. If one could even think of their lives as the weather, you never know what the forecast is going to be for the day, week, month or the year. Anything can change from one minute to the next. While we have meteorologist who are supposed to keep us up to date with changes, they many times report what they "think" is going to happen but they may not necessarily be sure. My life recently has been full of storms that I was NOT prepared for.
**Side note-I think the current economic situation can be an example of a major disaster for all struggling Americans.**
While I may not know what major or minor storm is going to come my way, I do know that I can be prepared for it. God has he equipped us with resources to be prepared for things and I'm definitely using them next time. I'm going to take a new approach and make a better life for myself and those around me. As for now, I hope that my forecast is clear until I get past my first phase of preparation.
Jassy B.L.
Jassy B.L.