Thursday, June 23, 2005


~Hola Mi Bloggers~

I didn't personally post yesterday so I figured I should today. Life is kool right now. Just trying to think and work out the kinks. My daughter is wonderful, "Healthy as a Horse as her Dr. would say." Oh yea that reminds me that I need to make her appointment for her check up. Anyways....Don't really have any dilemmas right now. Just life itself can be a dilemma in itself. I often wonder why life has so many journeys, ups and down, etc..etc..etc.. but then I realize that all of my issues come into play because of the path I have chosen to take my life down. I realized that being a Christian, no one ever said that it would be easy, hard neither for that matter but a continual test of Character, strength, Test and most of all being able to TRUST GOD! Anyways, I don't want to preach but that's what was on my heart for today. Hopefully I will have another heart to heart moment and express some feelings with u guys!

Until the next Piece.........Peace

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