Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I have so much...

Hey Fellow Bloggers.......
To catch up on. My life has turned from being ok to being a total wreck. Nothing seems to be going good and when it goes good it turns bad. Lord Help!!! I know that it will be ok so i am just going to take it day by day. Here in the past few months, I have met some pretty incredible people and made some new friends. That's peobably the only good things that have happened to me besides a good income tax check. (LOL) I am getting ready to move out of my mother's house and out on my own. Boy am I looking forward to the freedom. I have some problems with her that I think will work out better when I am not living with her. I will like her more if I'm not under her roof. Looking for another job, don't think that this last opportunity is for me. Great experience but nothing thathas Jasmine' s future. I have been spending a lot of time with Kamil (my daughter) and it has been great to see how she acts 24 hours a day. Right at this moment I don't know that I could be a stay at home mom. Thank God for daycares. I will let you in on more later. I will do my best this time to keep up-to-date with my life. Thanks for the patience and love.

1 comment:

MacMarv said...

I'll keep you in my prayers.

About the StoneColdFoxx