Friday, June 24, 2005


Yea now that I think about it, I know what happened. Of course I didn't know what was going to happen but now I remember it all clearly. Just like it was yesterday, when he got mad because another dude was paying me some attention. He couldn't stand that other man going after what he thought was always going to be his as long as he wanted it to be. The night my boy "John Doe" brought me home from the football game was the night he wanted he wanted to ride with my mom and use her key at my doorstep to get into the house to prove that all John Doe wanted to do was get some of what he had experienced for months. The thing is I don't know why I was still fooling with him in the first place. When all the while it was John Doe that I had the crush on but never did he go after what all the others wanted for that brief moment of pleasure just to get a chance to tell everyone yea I had her too. Just when I thought about it, it made me wonder really about him and it became more clearer that he wanted to have his cake and eat it too. I let John go so that we could keep the peace and the donor stay only to find myself giving it up to the guy I once gave my whole heart to. The one who lied and told me he loved me, the who cheated with the girl down the street from me (whose house I could see when I walked out my door), the one who didn't appreciate a damn thing I did for him and yet I still gave up the goodies. (I get mad when I think about it) For what? Yea I was thinking that maybe one day he would come to his senses and take me back so that we could live happily ever after. Yea right! The moment was right I got mine, he got his but little did I know that he wouldn't use the famouse "PULL OUT" method that he had used so many times before. He was enjoying that good moment and got caught all up in that good stuff and BAM!!!! That's when hell began for me..........

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