Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Forreal this time...I'm sticking to it.

3 years and some odd months ago I started this blog to share my life with the world. Easily you guys have held up your part of the bargain to be readers but I haven't upheld mine as the author of this blog spot. I can't promise that I will be consistent but I will definitely try to share as much as I can as I become a better person. As I was reflected back on the years before, I sat down today to read my blog. From November of 2004 to August 2007 a lot of things have changed in my life. I've watched myself evolve into a better mother, a diva, a model, an entrepreneur and so many other things I never imagined Jasmine to be. If I didn't have past life situations I wouldn't be who I am today. Enough of that....

Hopefully I will be able to bring you guys up to speed on my life, continuing share interesting stories, posting my poetry (that I haven't written in forever) and posting quotes, funnies & inspirational thoughts that help me continue my day.

Presently I am 23 years of age and my daughter is now 6 going on 26. *smirk* I am an administrative assistant for the county and I recently started my own business.

As time goes along I will be sure to let you know the more in depth versions of the StoneColdFoxx....

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